Sunday, July 10, 2011


Board Games as one of the Media for Learning English

Board games are very educational. Many games are useful in helping to learn and develop English skills. Board games offer the teachers a way to reinforce the knowledge that students gain in the classes. Students can use board games to learn vocabulary or to practice grammatical structures. Board games work best in small classes. If your class is large, you can either divide the students up to play individual board games or divide the class into teams to compete against each other.

Many sites that offer resources for teachers also include printable board games. These look like traditional board games, in which players roll a dice and move from space to space, but each game specifically focuses on the unit that you're teaching. For example, you could print a game on using present tense that features pictures of people doing the action.

Actually, teachers’ creativity also determines what type of media used in teaching and learning process. In using a Board Game, teachers can make this simple game by themselves with the materials and creative ways.

Here is an example of Board Game ...

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